52nd UNN Convocation: Onyinyeomachukwu bags PhD with distinction …Lauds Daddy Hezekiah

Princess Samuel Divine-Gift Onyinyeomachukwu of Living Christ Church  has been conferred with Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Political Science with specialty in Public Administration, by the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, UNN.

Princess Onyinyeomachukwu was among the 412 graduands that obtained PhD degrees during the 52nd Convocation of University of Nigeria, held at Margaret Ekpo Convocation Hall, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

Onyinyeomachukwu who is a Justice of Peace (JP) and Member of the Order of the Niger (MON), made distinctions in both Masters and PhD in the same discipline at UNN.

Addressing the graduands, the Vice Chancellor of UNN, Prof Charles Arinzechukwu Igwe, said the school was proud of the graduands as according to him, they were found worthy in character and learning to be awarded various degrees.

“I extend my congratulations to all you deserving graduands who have survived the rigour required to earn the postgraduate degrees of the University. You should be proud of yourselves.

“This implies that so much more would be expected of you in terms of conduct and achievements. I am aware that most graduates in present day Nigeria are worried about what the future holds. This is a natural feeling experienced by graduands all over the world. So I urged you not to allow these concerns to diminish your feeling of fulfilment on a day like this when you should be celebrating.

“You have just recorded a significant achievement and am convinced that the acquisition of a higher degree or diploma still brightens your chances of getting a job and developing a successful career in various fields.

“Thus, I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, believing that you are leaving school at a time when globalisation, innovation and the digital technologies have created far more opportunities than before. You will have to compete for the opportunities with other equally qualified persons. As Lions and Lionesses, am confident that we have trained you to compete successfuly”, the UNN Vice Chancellor concluded.

At the reception ground for Princess Onyinye Uwaechie (PhD), Convocation Ceremony at Christ Church Chapel field, her supervisor, lecturers, professors, friends and wellwishers eulogized her for being worthy student that has conquered all her academic challenges and attained the height of her academic career. Same way, Masters and PhD coursemates also testified about her uncommon personality.

In his goodwill message, Her father, His Grace, The Most Rev. Professor Daddy Hezekiah, Founder, Leader and Archbishop of Living Christ Mission Inc., Proprietor and Chancellor, Hezekiah University, Umudi, Imo State, eulogized her thus:

“My beloved and holy child, Onyinyeomachukwu, as you stand on the threshold of this momentous achievement, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of pride and joy as a fulfilled father. Your journey to earning your PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in Political Science at a prestigious University of Nigeria Nsukka, (UNN) was marked by dedication, perseverance, and strong determination; qualities that have always defined you as a great achiever and an individual of exceptional merit.

“Of a truth, the success we are celebrating today was not an easy one; you had sleepless nights and timeless traveling by air, sea and on the road, but through the grace and power of God, He protected and granted you resounding victories.  I am always excited anytime I remember how you travelled to the United Kingdom, Great Britain and successfully defended your PhD thesis on “Road Safety in Nigeria” at the Prestigious Oxford University UK on Friday 20th July 2023. Then my Holy LOVELY child, you finally defended your thesis at UNN on Friday 2nd February 2024.  May the name of our God be forever exalted, praised, adored and glorified in Jesus name, Amen.

Truly, my Child, through you, God has proven that He is the rewarder of good works, faithfulness and hard work. God has blessed me with a HOLY loving, spiritual, caring, merciful, obedient, hardworking and kind child with whom I am well pleased. Your emergence as my child reflects God’s love and care for me. Thank you for being such a wonderful blessing to me and in my life.

“Throughout my 56 years in the Lord, I can confidently say that you are one of the greatest blessings I have received from God. Your philanthropic nature, accommodating spirit, and determination are divine qualities that make me exceedingly proud and happy. You are indeed a precious child, and I believe God will continue to bless and reward you abundantly, as you are a gift not only to me our church Living Christ Mission, God’s children but to the world, especially your generation.”On the PhD she received today, her father described it as a well deserved doctoral decree with many years of hard work so attached.

“Your divinity, intellect, passion, and commitment to excellence have shone brightly throughout your academic pursuit and more, inspiring all who have had the privilege of knowing you. As you embark on this new chapter of your life, may you continue to soar to greater heights, making meaningful contributions to your field and leaving an indelible mark on the sands of time, may your future be filled with boundless blessings from Jehovah, opportunities, fulfillment, and endless possibilities in Jesus name, Amen.”

In a Special PhD Convocation Thanksgiving Service and Birthday Celebration organised by Nsukka branch of Living Christ Mission, Branch Chairman, Dr Victor Iwuoha described Convocation Thanksgiving Service as an age-long academic tradition in the University system globally, and forms a critical component of a week-long convocation protocol.

He said the branch had the rare privilege to celebrate an extraordinary super-lioness, a distinguished scholar per excellence, an academic behemoth and a paragon of intellectual sagacity, who has meritoriously earned, and conferred upon, the highest academic degree of PhD in Political Science by the ever prestigious University of Nigeria, proudly, the first indigenous University in Nigeria.

“We truly enjoy the rare privileges of living within a proximate geographic contiguity with our amiable Mum as we constantly behold her graceful splendour and grandeur of goodness.

“We have lost count of your regular and mostly unannounced visits to the church compound, and in such visits you always benevolently shared thousands of naira in envelops, and other delectable edibles among the children of God. In some occasions, you provided food and entertainment, and shared money among members and guests during church events.

“Similarly, members of National Association of Living Christ Students, NALCS, UNN Chapter, are loudly appreciative of your motherly care, offer of admission to many students, lifesaving financial succour, hospitality, housing, foodstuffs, groceries, etc, which you provided for them individually or as group at intervals.

“More conspicuously, between August and December 2021, you singularly financed the multi-million naira project of rebuilding the previously abandoned Nsukka branch temple; and here we are today, in a rebuilt, remodelled and completed temple with palatial adornments to the glory of God.

“We joyfully testify today that the beautiful ‘Tree of Success’ which you planted in our branch has blossomed admirably by leaps and bounds with quantum harvests of great miracles, healing and riches for members. Mum, you recently bought a Sienna Jeep for our resident Pastor, Chikodi Onah, and also donated many white seats to Nsukka branch. Indeed, you’re a priceless gift to mankind,” so concluded Dr Iwuoha, an academic staff of UNN who also obtained his PhD in Political Science from the same UNN.

“To His Grace, the Most Rev Prof Daddy Hezekiah, Founder and Leader Living Christ Mission Inc, Dr Iwuoha appreciated him for making indelible and invaluable contributions to the University of Nigeria community and Nsukka town in general.

“Very recently, you rebuilt and remodelled the dilapidated Department of Political Science of the University of Nigeria into world-class standard. In this trajectory, your most holy child, the Mighty Princess, has variously replicated such incomparable humanistic legacies, thus, impacting many people’s lives positively.”

Responding, the celebrant, Dr Princess nyinyeomachukwu  urged Christians to endeavor to love God and have close contact with Him so that in the event of trouble, he would give them succour.

She applauded her father, Daddy Hezekiah for standing solidly behind her through tick and thin leading to the success of her PhD programme and convocation as well.

She equally thanked all children of God that contributed immensely to the success of the event.

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